Raindrops 1.530 更新概要
version: 1.530 Overview of Changes
Fixed language ja tategaki mode. paragraph width issue
Fixed language ja tategaki mode. paragraph width issue
codemirror ソースエディタが正常に動作していないため、投稿のカスタムCSSでの使用を停止しました。
Modified change customizer ‘Specify the number of characters to display on one line’
Changed to work with all paragraphs
Modified hr element style.
Modified removed codemirror filter
Modified core/paragraph style
Modified blockeditor button style
Modified post edit link
Modified block editor CSS
Raindrops 1.526 の更新で、プライマリーメニューの表示に影響が出るバグを作り出してしまいました。バグを修正しました。
Fixed Primary Menu submenu can not open.
今回の更新は、Gutenberg Plugin 用のスタイルの更新、モバイル時のプライマリーメニューアイコンの変更(テキストから、ハンバーガーメニューに変更)画像の中央揃えが、うまく動作しない問題の修正です。
Modified CSS for Gutenberg Plugin
class name change .wp-block-cover-image to .wp-block-cover
other CSS styled.
Modified Mobile Primary Menu change from + menu – to hamberger button
oembed-container を wp-block-embed_wrapper に統合しました
Modified CSS for Gutenberg Plugin
Class name changed. Raindrops .oembed-container class to wp-block-embed_wrapper.
This change was made to reduce the conflict between CSS of the Gutenberg plugin and CSS of the theme
Added function raindrops_request_url()
Modified function raindrops_custom_gutenberg_edit_link()
For posts created with the Gutenberg plugin, we display Gutenberg’s edit link,
and for posts created with the old TinyMCE we have changed to display a link to the classic editor.
The following files have been added to improve performance.
new file: images/loader.svg
new file: instantclick.js
new file: instantclick.min.js
new file: lazyload.js
new file: lazyload.min.js
In order to control these functions, we added two items to Customizer / Add-ons.
1. Improve the response of the website
default: disable
Depending on the plug-in you are using, problems may appear on the display.
If you change to enable, please make sure there are no problems.
@see more info
2. Lazy load image
default: enable
These two items will only work with logged out status
License @see README
Modified Gutenberg plugin CSS
Removed filter raindrops_convert_inline_style_to_data_attr
jQuery Script Maintenance
jQuery2.2.0 + jQuery Migrate to 1.3.1 worked
今回の変更は、Gutenberg プラグイン互換性のための変更です。
Modified Gutenberg plugin CSS