The emulsion theme compatible with WordPress 6.4 is version 2.9.2 or later.
New features added in WordPress 6.4
New blocks
It was planned to be supported in 6.4, but after testing, it appears that it is not supported in 6.4. You’ll probably need to enable the Gutenberg plugin if you need it.
It was planned to be supported in 6.4, but after testing, it appears that it is not supported in 6.4. You’ll probably need to enable the Gutenberg plugin if you need it.
block image, block gallery image popup function
Background image addition function with block group
block heading, block paragraph text direction function
Text direction (writing-mode) Vertical writing
A similar feature has been added to block footnotes, but I could not confirm its actual behavior.
It is now possible to give easy-to-understand names to blocks in the editor etc.
emulsion today
WP_HTML_Tag_Processor Updates to the HTML API in 6.4
It seems that it is now possible to find and process a specific class.
$processor = new WP_HTML_Processor( $html );
while ( $processor->next_tag() ) {
// Skip an element if it's not supposed to be processed.
if ( $processor->has_class( 'data-wp-ignore' ) ) {
if ( $processor->has_class( 'data-wp-context' ) && $processor->has_class( 'active' ) ) {
// Process the context…
Features to be implemented in emulsion theme (ver2.9.2)
Hide the default category. Also, on the category archive page, we will also hide the links to the same category that are displayed at the bottom of the post title.
There seem to be many other new features, but for more details WordPress 6.4 Field Guide – Make WordPress Core