Image copy and paste

The block editor allows you to paste a copy of an image directly into a paragraph block. It is also possible to paste charts etc. using Chart API etc.

In the classic editor, it is not possible to “copy image” or paste an image, so you will need to download and re-upload the displayed image.

Chart creation and pasting

URLInstaChart – Generate charts as images online. Embed dynamic charts as images.
Classic Editor
Block Editor




"names": ["6.4", "6.3", "6.2", "6.1","Other"],

"values": [61, 5.5 ,5.4,4.4,23.7]


How to make

  • Create an image block
  • Select “Insert URL” and paste the above code into the URL field


You can also display the image by directly entering the code from the code block into the URL field of your browser. In this case, click “Copy Image” from the right-click menu, and then click “You can also do the same thing by pasting it in a paragraph block using Control+v.”

You cannot “paste images” in the Classic Editor.

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