Updated :
Known issues
If you use the emulsion theme with the Gutenberg plugin active, some functions may not be available.
In the site editor/template, click the + link.
When processing to change the template of the front page or individual pages
If the plugin is enabled
I have an issue where it only displays the fallback template.
If the plugin is disabled
Pattern templates supported by the theme are displayed (normally)
Template Types in patterns not working · Issue #58223 · WordPress/gutenberg
It seems that similar symptoms occur with default themes such as Twenty Twenty Four.
Change footer copyright
We will correct the copylight notice in the footer. Previously, copylight notices for classic templates and block templates existed separately, but
Edit the new pattern Copyright Notice and change it so that both sides are synchronized.
Fixed custom page templates
The fixed page template selection screen will now be able to display front page examples and blank templates, which previously could not be displayed.
Add border settings to header block
In Japanese environments, there are many cases where the header block (h1-h6) is customized to be highlighted with a border. For this reason, I decided to add border functionality to the header block.